The IoT Premier League ™ Corporate Handles 2021 Season, Week 20 Standings

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Libelium is focusing on a strategic shift to offer complete #IoTtechnology value propositions specialized in vertical applications. Ecommerce: @IoT_Mktplace

Power Score

No change this week


No change this week

Power Score Calculation

This Week
2021 Season, Week 20 Standings
Metric Raw Score Weighted Score
Power Score 38

Kred Influence

780 10

Kred Outreach

7 20

Following Count

1,239 5

Followers Count

10,035 2

Bulletin Information:

2021 Season, Week 20 Standings
Publication time:
3:12 PM - 12 Jun 2021
Score period:
11:11 AM - 5 Jun 2021 to 11:11 AM - 12 Jun 2021
Data Sources:
Kred | Twitter