The IoT Premier League ™ Corporate Handles 2022 Season - Week 32 Standings

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Kaspersky Lab

Kaspersky is the world’s largest privately held vendor of Internet security solutions for businesses and consumers. For help and support, tweet @kl_support

Power Score

No change this week


No change this week

Power Score Calculation

This Week
2022 Season - Week 32 Standings
Metric Raw Score Weighted Score
Power Score 14

Kred Influence

0 0

Kred Outreach

0 0

Following Count

145 8

Followers Count

322,086 7

Bulletin Information:

2022 Season - Week 32 Standings
Publication time:
7:54 AM - 3 Sep 2022
Score period:
3:54 AM - 27 Aug 2022 to 3:54 AM - 3 Sep 2022
Data Sources:
Kred | Twitter