The World Leaders Digital Power 100 Week 40 - Last one for President Obama!

Collective goal

The World Leaders Power 100, is a leaderboard created from a list of world leaders, heads of state and national bodies.

I am a gamification expert on a mission to use as simple a concept as a leaderboard to encourage the leadership of the world to engage more with their public over social media, by showing them who is doing it well and who may not be as active.

If you think there is someone missing, or wish to be removed please email me

Total Power Score: 0

Andrzej Marczewski The World Leaders Digital Power 100 Bulletins Week 40 - Last one for President Obama! 문재인


대한민국 대통령 문재인입니다. President of the Republic of Korea. 나라다운 나라를 만들기 위해 국민여러분과 함께 하겠습니다. @thebluehousekr


Power Score


Power Score Calculation

This Month
Week 40 - Last one for President Obama!
Metric Raw Score Weighted Score
Power Score 0


0 0