#Cloud Global Power 100 Influencer List

Ian Moyse ☁ Using Rise Platform of Social Scoring #Cloud Global Power 100 Influencer List Bulletins (Latest) Luke Scott

Luke Scott

Creating Speakers and Leaders that StandOut. TV Show Host, International Speaker & Spiritual Mentor.

2 places


Power Score
No change


This Scorebook has yet to be published, once a Bulletin is published you'll be able to see your stats here

Power Score Calculation

This Custom

Week 25
Metric Raw Score Weighted Score Raw Score Weighted Score
Power Score 5 5

Kred Influence

546 2 546 2

Kred Outreach

3 1 3 1

Twitter Followers Count
Twitter Followers Count

365.00 2.03 365.00 2.03

% Change in WTW Twitter Followers

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%