#Cloud Global Power 100 Influencer List

Ian Moyse ☁ Using Rise Platform of Social Scoring #Cloud Global Power 100 Influencer List Bulletins (Latest) Ed Featherston

Ed Featherston

Technology Evangelist/Director Hybrid Cloud Architecture/Cloud Business Office Thermo Fisher Scientific with over 35 years experience in the technology industry.

4 places


Power Score


This Scorebook has yet to be published, once a Bulletin is published you'll be able to see your stats here

Power Score Calculation

This Custom

Week 25
Metric Raw Score Weighted Score Raw Score Weighted Score
Power Score 69 67

Kred Influence

876 18 876 18

Kred Outreach

9 21 9 21

Twitter Followers Count
Twitter Followers Count

5,478.00 11.72 5,472.00 11.72

% Change in WTW Twitter Followers

0.11% 1,872.34% 0.07% 1,610.36%